Saturday, May 22, 2021

Customizing log4j in Sterling OMS


Logging is very important part of any application. It helps you detect issues and provide more information for triaging. IBM Sterling OMS application uses log4j utility for logging. The log4j utility writes trace and debug information to a log file.

As per your business requirements, you can modify the logging parameters in the log4j configuration file to control the location and level of the log files. You might want to send Application/Agent/Integration server logs to different locations. You might also have Custom java classes with loggers to capture the logs.

In this post, we will see how we can customize log4j as per our requirements.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

How to create a custom view to join multiple tables in Sterling OMS


There can be a business requirement to fetch data from different tables from database and use it for further processing. For example - In Inventory console, we need to search and display data from extended attributes of yfs_item.

We can either write a custom logic to fetch the data from required tables and then do post processing to return the output in desired format. There is also a possibility to join required tables in a View. Latter one also requires customization but can be better performing.

Views can be created for out-of-the-tables and/or custom tables. Let's see how we can create custom views in IBM Sterling OMS.